Privacy Manifesto

A service like Maskbunny is depending on the trust of our users to operate successfully. You should always be critical when an online service claims to provide a privacy solution. At Maskbunny we believe privacy practices should be open, easy and available to the public.

In order to run our service, we must process your email so that we can forward it to the correct destination. We check the mask the email was sent to and match this up against our mask database to retrieve your real email address so we can forward the email. The email is stored on our servers for the duration of this transaction, usually lasting a few seconds at max.

Our pledge to you:

  • We do not store any emails without your explicit permission
  • We will not read any information regarding your emails without your explicit permission
  • We will not sell your personal data
  • We will have your best intentions in mind
  • We will continue to improve Maskbunny's service and availability

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us at [email protected].